Alice Benton's Blog

Monday, January 31, 2011


I love Twitter.  FYI, @alicebenton.  I'm a daily user; it's great.  It exposes you to people and things you might not be normally.  It's a social meeting ground that helps you to get your message out quickly.  Although, I must confess I have a pet peeve. 

It disturbs me when someone has almost 2,000 followers and only five tweets.  I cannot stand that!  And what did this person find so important they had to tweet those five times?  Then I have to read the handful of tweets and find out.  I usually don't stumble onto great finds this way, but some people do state interesting things in a small amount of tweets.

Anyway, I'm suggesting a tweet minimum if you didn't open your account yesterday.  There should be no less then 25 tweets and I'm being generous.  If you're twenty or less, at least 100.

Do you agree with this minimum?  My daughter and I were debating it.

*Posts you may enjoy are Facebook Pet Peeves and Social Network Crushes.


Alice Benton's Blog: The Perfect Valentine's Day Gift

Alice Benton's Blog: The Perfect Valentine's Day Gift: "If you're looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift, look no more. Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love is the solution for you...."

One More Day!

Tomorrow, Alice Benton's Blog Fitness Challenge finally begins.  I can't wait to get started and look forward to reading the progress of the participants.  I pray that my enthusiastic spirit translates into staying on track with the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. 

Please feel free to stop by and view the Fitness Challenge Page.  Daily updates will be provided throughout the thirty day challenge.  Also, consider sending supportive comments to the blog participants because we're all in it together.

Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred


New Page Added for Fitness Challenge

Alice Benton's Blog added a new page for the Fitness Challenge.  If you want to check in daily and get updates on how it's going, the Fitness Challenge Page is where you look.  Just click on the Fitness Challenge Link at the top of the blog to view it.  Take note, the challenge begins Tuesday, February 1st.


Behind the Scenes Fact about Beauty in Pain Character Lem

Writing the character, Lem, into Beauty in Pain helped me with a realization.  This particular story line told me what book I had to write next - the novel follow up to Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Upcoming Fitness Challenge

Mentally, I'm preparing to get ready for this physical challenge.  I have gathered all the necessary things.  I have my 30 Day Shred DVD; check.  I have two small hand weights; check.  I have a yoga mat; check.  I have a scale to weigh myself tomorrow so I will know whether I lost 20 pounds; check. 

I know it's not going to be easy, but I will not give up.  I'm ready.  Now all I need to do is wait for Tuesday, February 1, 2011 and it begins. 

I feel inspired and I know the participants are too.   

Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred

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On the Check-List!

On the Check-List! is a site that acts as a guide for what's going on in the world.  If you want to know something, check the list first, as it says on the website.  If you're interested in checking them out visit

FYI, they have named Alice Benton's Blog as a site they love!


Star Trek

I had to write about the newest Star Trek movie because I love it.  I think it's phenomenal!  Any Trekkie would appreciate this movie and Star Trek newbies will like it too.  I do think you will have a better appreciation for it if you posses a Star Trek background, but it's a great movie anyway.  That means that any movie loving, science fiction action seeking movie nut can and should get behind this one. 

Honestly, I could watch this DVD over and over again and have.  That's an outstanding fact because believe me I'm not that type.  I almost always feel like I could be watching something else.  After all, there is always something I haven't seen that I could be loving.  Of course, it depends on your family and ages involved, but I'm listing this one with family fun.

The cast was in my opinion a perfect selection.  They made you believe the back story and also showed enough of each character's historical truth that Star Trek lovers have held near and dear to their hearts.  If you don't have this DVD, get it.  If you do, watch it again.

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Alice Benton's Blog: Birthday Shout Outs!

Alice Benton's Blog: Birthday Shout Outs!: "If you would like to give someone a special birthday shout out on Alice Benton's Blog, please let me know. Make sure to leave the birt..."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Perfect Valentine's Day Gift

If you're looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift, look no more.  Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love is the solution for you.  Not only is it filled with poems relating to relationships, it is also set up in very unique way.  It's an easy read that's great for one or two people. 

It's a gift that keeps on giving through conversation and love.  It's inspirational and amazing.  Give the gift of love this Valentine's Day!

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Distractions posted in Relationships

Earlier, I was talking to a young woman on the train.  Our conversation reminded me of a previous blog post called Distractions.  I am adding the Relationship Label to that post because it certainly applied to our discussion. 

The additional Relationship Label is dedicated to a fellow strap hanger, as subway riders are called.  I hope it helps.

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Pages on Alice Benton's Blog

Take a minute to view the additional pages on Alice Benton's Blog listed below:

1) Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love

2) Beauty in Pain - 2011 Upcoming Novel

3) Fitness Challenge - February 1 - March 2, 2011

4) Next from Alice

The first two pages are named after books and are a great place to learn more about them.  You can also learn more information by clicking on the Black Love or Beauty in Pain links in the label section.  The third page is follows the blog fitness challenge and the fourth is dedicated to Alice Benton's upcoming projects.  You are invited to visit all four pages!

*You may also want to view Social Media Places to Find Alice or the Blog Home Page

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Beauty in Pain (Upcoming Novel) Character Introduction - Lem

Lem is a character that I created last minute.  The whole book was virtually finished, but I felt like something was missing.  As I kept falling asleep with that thought, slowly, he began to emerge.  He would just appear in my head out of nowhere.  Lem appears in Beauty in Pain on and off fairly early on in the book.  Later, there’s an entire chapter dedicated to him and his relationship with Valerie. 

Lem is very handsome and has a sexy walk that makes you pay attention.  He is over six feet tall, with a dark complexion and a muscular body.  Lem has a down to earth nature and an excitable energy I could feel it as I wrote him into life. 

I enjoyed making Lem and am not finished with him.  I don't fully know what that means, but I have an idea we will find out.

*Post you may also enjoy are Behind the Scenes Fact about Beauty in Pain Character Lem and Male Characters from Women Writers: Writing for the Opposite Sex


Friday, January 28, 2011

Fitness Challenge Reminder

I'm excited about the upcoming Fitness Challenge!  I can't wait to get started with Alice Benton's Blog Followers Margaret and Sara, on Tuesday, February 1, 2011.  I hope they feel the same.  There are strength in numbers.  We'll make it through those 30 days together.  I also believe being accountable by reporting in to the blog daily will give others strength.

For those of you who would like to join us behind the scenes, please do!  Hurry up and purchase your DVD or dust of the one you already have, like I am and put it use.  You'll need some light weights, a mat if you're not on a rug and determination. 

If you don't want to participate, please support us and check on our daily progress.


Old Fashion Social Networking

Social networking is a must these days.  It's the perfect place to promote yourself or business.  I love how easy it has become to speak to another person on the other side of the country or the world.  Sites like Facebook and Twitter or even this blog have allowed its participants to forge a bond of connectivity.  Personally, I like the idea of being a friend to the world.  I think that sounds beautiful.

I'm also a huge fan of old style networking.  Unfortunately, it's fast becoming a lost trait.  Many are way too connected to their computers and don't know how to approach someone.  There is absolutely nothing better than walking into a room and making your presence known.  Striking up a conversation can be refreshing.

I'm all for technology.  Its obvious advancements are wonderful, but every now and then a step away from it can good too.  I suggest using both types of networking to sharpen a variety of skills, including being personable.

*Posts you may enjoy are Facebook Pet Peeves and Twitter.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fitness Challenge Participants & Start Date

Alice Benton's Blog Fitness Challenge Participants have been selected among followers.  Along with myself, they are Margaret Scott-Adams and Sara Sullivan.  The challenge will begin on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 and we will reach the last day on March 2, 2011.  There may be one more participant, but once that is confirmed I'll let you know. 

Daily, for thirty days, we will each comment on how exercising with Jillian Michaels via DVD is going.  We will also let you know if we were able to lose twenty pounds.  Stay tuned!

If you would like some back information, please refer to the Fitness Challenge post.


Comments Update

I have been receiving complaints about the comment box.  I looked into to it and believe the problem has been solved.  Please feel free to leave comments.  I look forward to hearing them.  Hopefully, this will be the beginning of interesting conversation and comments. 

Alice Benton's Blog is sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fitness Challenge Individuals

It's not too late to be considered for Alice Benton's Blog Fitness Challenge.  If you're interested you simply have to become a follower of this blog, be willing to comment daily for 30 days and let me know you would like to be considered.

For more information please refer to the blog post called, Fitness Challenge.


Fitness Challenge

Alice Benton's Blog has decided, in the spirit of being better during 2011, to start a fitness challenge.  Since we're talking about health I have to break and say, "May God continue to bless the ultimate exercise guru, Jack LaLanne.  Rest in peace."  You have to love a person that makes any decade above your own look great.  He rocked his nineties! 

An Alice Benton's Blog follower* and myself will try the 30 Day Shred, by Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser. The DVD promises that you will lose 20 pounds if you dedicate twenty minutes for 30 days.  Every day we will simply let you know how it's going.  We will also let you know if the weight was lost a month later.

The follower* will receive a gift bag from Alice Benton's Blog for participation.  Wish us luck and let me know if you have a challenge in mind.

*Follower and start date to be announced

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New Page Added!

A new page was added!  Beauty in Pain has its very own page on Alice Benton's Blog!  Check it out by locating the Beauty in Pain - 2011 Upcoming Novel  link at the top of page.

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Bookstore Search Results

Bookstore Search Results


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another Beauty in Pain Sneak Peek

If you would like a small character break down, please refer to a previous post called, Beauty in Pain Small Character Background.  You can find it in the Beauty in Pain link in the labels section of the blog or type it in the search engine located at the bottom of this blog.  I have also done a blog entry called the Beauty in Pain - Peterson's Basic Family Tree. 

Sneak Peek

...“Look.”  That’s all it said, one word, but it was enough.  The voice was warm, comforting and beautiful.  It made Valerie want to gaze upon what it spoke of without more words.  At first, her sight was blurry from all the tears she cried, so Valerie couldn’t see, but she tried hard.   
          There it was again, except this strange voice lingered longer saying, “Look.”  She tried harder to see.  Valerie was able to focus for maybe two seconds and found she was staring at her wrist.  This unfamiliar voice said, “Yes.”...


Monday, January 24, 2011

Beauty in Pain - More Information

The Family

The Petersons are a typical family spread out between three different states.  Valerie still lives at home with her parents  in New York while everyone else has moved.  Samantha lives in New Jersey with her family.  Melody lives in Maryland with her family while everyone else lives in Georgia.

The Story

Beauty in is divided into five parts.  The story begins with the family in New York and takes place over five years, which is sort of funny because everything revolves around less than a hand full of days.

This story is interesting, yet trying, but definitely needs to be told.  Beauty in Pain is a story of love, faith and triumph.  It is a must read and will be out soon in 2011.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's Not Just Wii

Do you like karaoke or dance? If so, and you have a Nintendo Wii, I suggest Glee Karaoke Revolution and Michael Jackson the Experience. These two games are not just for karaoke gleek loving Michael Jackson fans. It's fun for everyone.

Glee Karaoke Revolution allows you to pick a the show character and select from the songs they sing. It has a microphone and can also cheer you on , all while continuously displaying scenes from the television show.

Michael Jackson the Experience is filled with hits from the King of Pop. The dance steps can be done on various levels and is simply entertaining. The game dance routines feature tricky foot movements and repetitive hand gestures that can also serve as both fun and exercise.

I think everyone should have these games at home.

Karaoke Revolution Glee Bundle

Michael Jackson The Experience


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Beauty in Pain - The Peterson's Basic Family Tree

As I consider sharing more of Beauty in Pain with you, I feel a need to show the Peterson's Basic Family Tree. 

Everyone calls Mr. and Mrs. Peterson mom and dad.  They are the parents of Samantha, Theresa, Melody, June and Valerie.  Samantha married Peter and they had Jan.  Theresa is Rick's mother.  June is Chuck's mom.  Valerie is the mother of Angel and Candy.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Disney on Ice - The Ice Capades

Mention the Ice Capades in a room full of adults and a conversation automatically starts.  There are the ones who love it and the ones who don't care for that sort of thing.  This happened to me earlier and I noticed that the people not in favor of the show hadn't seen it.  That fact made me quickly decide that I should.

Tonight I went to see Disney on Ice and loved it.  Honestly, I was skeptical, but it was wildly entertaining.  It's definitely a family must.  I went with five family members ranging in various decades and we were all happy.  There was singing, dancing and of course ice skating, but that wasn't it.  There were also things like bubbles, fire and fireworks right along with many loved characters.  One of the dance numbers I liked most was from Beauty & the Beast when the napkin covered utensils were strutting there stuff. 

I did suffer one huge disappointment because Tiana wasn't there, but my lovely cousin assured me that I simply caught the wrong show.  Putting that aside, love, love, loved it!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Serve Humanity through Charity Water

Consider donating to Charity Water.  This organization has commited itself to bringing clean water to some of the poorest nations in the world.  This charity is amazing.  I learned that it only takes $20 to provide clean water to one person for 20 years.  That fact is one of many facts that got me in to it, but donate what you can.
You can access this organization at


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

With Age Comes Wisdom

They say, "Age is just a number." Yet, grown men and women hide it like it's a dirty little secret.  As my birthday came and went this year, friends and family would say, "don't worry I'll never tell your age" or "I won't ask how old you are because I know how it is."  Growing up in a household where the women never got older then 21 plus tax you'd think I would fall in line, but no.

I disagree with all this age hating nonsense.  I'm thirty eight years young and proud of it.  The alternative to not getting older is a little grim.  I love that God has given me another year.  I do pray that I can do it gracefully, but either way I will hold my head up high.

We don't have to announce the number, but embrace it.  With age comes wisdom, if we're and lucky.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Have you ever had a problem so big that you allowed yourself to be distracted just not to deal with it?  I know I have in the past.  Distractions almost seem necessary when your life appears to be on a downward spiral.  They are also fun and appealing.  The truth is that distractions add a destructive delay towards getting back on track.

No matter how much you have postponed dealing with the issue at hand you must focus on it.  Allow yourself to deal with those unwanted feelings.  It's how you handle them that will place you where you want to be.  Stop taking the easy out and struggle through what is important. 

We have to look to these distractions as signs.  They strengthen us when dealt with appropriately.  Eventually we will overcome the hardships and life will get easier.

*Posts you may enjoy:

When It Rains It Pours
Working Through Adversity

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Profile Update

I have updated my profile page. I've added an email under contact and my charity water URL. You're welcome to stop by and view the additions.

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Happy Birthday Margaret!

Today on January 18, 2011, this very special birthday shout out goes to Margaret S. A.  Just wanted you to know that Alice Benton's Blog is bent on birthday wishes for you.  God bless & enjoy!


Monday, January 17, 2011

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to all the citizens of the world.  This day is for all people who believe in peace and goodness towards all others.  Let us take time in our own lives to make this day better for ourselves as well as someone else.  I was going to speak about all that Martin Luther King, Jr. was, but decided not to go that route.  I think that it’s just as important to mention what he is still doing today.  He is still helping to move humanity in the right direction.  He is furthering the peace movement through people his heart has touched.  He brings all of us a little closer together every day. 
His, I Have a Dream Speech, hangs in my room and personally inspires me daily.  I look at it and internalize the importance of dreaming positively while pressing forward.  I have visited the amazing King Center in Atlanta, GA and walked the Freedom Walkway with three generations of my family.  It left a remarkable impression.  Remember, Dr. King was about service!  If you are looking for a way to honor this day, commit to service today.  Spread love.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

What’s Your Opinion?

Sometimes a situation occurs that aides in severing a relationship. He may have stepped out on her or she might have fallen in love with someone else.  No matter.  They part and go their separate ways.  Unfortunately, this is where the problem often begins. 
Years have passed and she managed to hold on to the dream of being with him; her true love.  Absence has truly made her heart grow founder.  They reunite forgetting why they couldn’t make it work.  She’s happy just to be next to him and spent time enjoying blissful memories of their combustion.  She continuously imagines their tomorrows while he plans for a future…with someone else.
Talk to me people.  Is it possible to hold on to a memory of love to long?  Can men and women ever really get over serious negative complications?

*Posts you may enjoy are Carefully Measure Your SuccessDistractions and Evening Thoughts.


Beauty in Pain Sneak Peek Quote

...this person lying before them was not recognizable to Valerie.  Her first honest internal reaction was one of relief.  She thought how do they know it’s her?  Maybe it’s not June, mix ups happen and for a second Valerie was privately joyous.  Admittedly, that was an awful thought to have because if it were not June, it would have been someone else’s sister, mother, daughter or niece.  Valerie would have been ecstatic, in that moment, if it were another person.  After staring at this individual for a while an uncomfortable familiarity began to rise.  Valerie could kind of see it – June’s face.  
                                                                                                                         - by Alice V. Benton
                                                                                                                            Beauty in Pain
                                                                                                                            upcoming novel


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Birthday Shout Outs!

If you would like to give someone a special birthday shout out on Alice Benton's Blog, please let me know.  Make sure to leave the birthday name and date, name of the individual it's coming from and what you might like said.  If I can accomodate you I will and please do not make request the same day.


Happy Birthday Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.!

With respect I say, "Happy birthday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."  I know that the day is observed on Monday, January 17th and I'm elated about that, but I must acknowledge Dr. King's birthday.  Martin Luther King, Jr. has been so positively important to so many that I felt a need to give him an actual birthday shout out.  Please find a way to honor his contribution to the world this weekend or Monday; better yet all year round.  Most important, remember Dr. King fought for all people.  It's not just a black thing.  It's about love for all of humanity.


New Page Added!

Please be sure to check out the new Black Love page added to Alice Benton's Blog.  To view it, simply locate the Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love link at the top of the blog.

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Relationships can be fickle.  The beginning often gives a false sense of warmth and stability.  It’s all about attraction and intrigue.  Regardless of whether you’ve become sexual or not, it’s hard not to sit around imagining waking up next to the person you love.  The instant jolt you get from the newness of it all can be intoxicating.             
It’s that emotional perplexity that often causes confusion.  One person is picturing happily ever- after, while the other depiction is of tonight.   We have to learn to live inside an enjoyable moment, at first.  Then because every relationship is in fact different, pace ourselves appropriately. 
Even jobs of every level offer training.  Yet, the one thing that we are all expected to do, which is marry, is barely spoken about in its entirety.   How we will educate ourselves will vary from person-to-person, but it must be done.  Once we have trained ourselves to know what love does and does not look like, finding Mr. or Mrs. Right will become easier.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Beauty in Pain Small Character Background

June Peterson is the character that the whole story revolves around.  She's a mother and the second youngest of five adult sibling women.  While Beauty in Pain does surround June, her baby sister, Valerie is the main character.  The entire story is told from Valerie Peterson's point of view.



In case your were voice has returned!  Also, soon I will be placing a Beauty in Pain quote on the blog. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I'm borrowing this one from my Facebook fan page notes, but I love it.  So here it goes.


As I stay up way to late, almost every night, writing, thinking and planning; I hear it. Good is on my side and the angels are whispering, as my mother would say. I'm listening. The universe fills me with...things that need to be done and I listen. I hear wonderful messages then fit them into a story.

Open up your mind and spirit & listen. Maybe stay up late a night or two. Listen to what's being said to you. Figure out what to do with it & make plans.

Are you listening?
Alice Benton
Author of Black Love Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love
ISBN: 978-0-595-44750-3

*Posts you may enjoy are Evening ThoughtsGods in Control and Ideas Should Materialize.


Are You Listening?

More listening needs to done.  When you're in a conversation you can only make it better if you listen.  The same thing goes for relationships.  The only way to improve upon them is to hear the other person and attempt to take it inside.  Sometimes we're so busy talking that we forget about others.  Are you guilty of this?  I know I have been on occasion.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lessons Learned

There is always a lesson to be learned.  I have realized there are many unneccessary statements that I make.  Not good or bad, but not clearly not needed.  I don't like that.  When writing a book, statements that don't matter get cut.  Having thoughts that I would normally back up with whatever doesn't serve anyone well.  I noticed only speaking or in my case writing when necessary made my day a little more pleasant.  There were no misunderstandings, I lingered less and got more done.  There's nothing wrong with talking, in fact it's a blessing, but what we are saying should matter.  I hope to become more mindful and in control of my words as my voice returns.  Do you watch you words?


Working Through Adversity

Today, was a hard day.  That's not a complaint, it's just fact.  Everything that could have gone wrong did, but I have learned to push through what doesn't seem to go my way.  On top of everything else I've been silenced.  I lost my voice due to harsh coughing and a cold, but I refuse to make it worse by complaining.

I have decided I will find a way to make it work.  I'm taking it as a sign.  I once heard someone say, "signs are for believers" and I believe.  Lord knows that words are important are I can still share them.  Thankfully, my fingers work; praise God! 

I can type and share my thoughts regardless of what my voice is doing.  I'll use this time to write more and advance my literary game.  That's the beauty in this throaty pain.  I will survive and so will you.  I hope this message finds you in God's grace and helps to keep you in a good place.

*Posts you may enjoy are God is in Control and I'm Blessed.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Beauty in Pain Background

Writing my upcoming novel, Beauty in Pain, was a labor of love. It literally took years to complete.  I wasn't pacing myself and due to the topic there were times when I just couldn't write or continue.  At first, I began to write it for myself as a sort of self-inflicted therapy, but after a while it was clear there was a story that needed to be told. I prayed about it and then decided to go ahead. Now, I'm simply waiting for its release. How glorious that will be...


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Social Networking

It's truly a new day. The social network market is nothing to be ignored. It has come a long way. It's no longer just a place to have fun. Yeah, it can be entertaining, but it's also a place to market yourself and business. It has added to the time old networking game. If you have a business message you want to put out there, consider social networks. It's a way to get around.


Sharing Alice Benton's Blog

Take a moment to read the blog. If you like what you see, share it with others. Make comments and lets talk. Communication like love make the world, as well as this blog. Also, don't forget to click follow. The link is listed below.



I've mentioned a few things I'd like to do different this year, but I'd like to hear from you.  What are your goals?  What would you like to see happen for yourself or a loved?  Lets talk about it.


Fun Fact about Beauty in Pain

I've mentioned this on my facebook fan page. There is a point during Beauty in Pain, that the main character, Valerie mentions that she is reading Black Love. That tickles me! I hope it made you smile too.

Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love


Black Love Poem Sample 3 - Pain

I thought I knew pain
On many levels
I’ve felt, seen and distributed my share
I have experienced extreme highs
Devastatingly extreme lows
But this…
This is some out of this world type hurt
I mean…
I truly never knew I could be so hurt…this hurt
I am completely and utterly devastated
I’m so bad that every inch of my body feels it
It’s weighing me down
So I struggle
This pain is so deep
I don’t even have to acknowledge it
Only to wake and be forced to recognize the pain
It lives behind the extra puffy eyes due to a tearful sleep

I struggle
I have felt lost and alone
Simply watching my life
No longer living it
How disrespectful
I struggle
I’m struggling with an unreal weight
This weight is so intense and intimately internal
It’s potentially destructive
Surely this is no natural heaviness
It’s misguided wicked influence
The prince of darkness knows I am divine
That’s why he lurks in my madness
The devil likes when I’m weak
But I know he’s a liar
Daily I must convince myself of what feels inconceivable
Part of me is dead and worst

Evil is trying to use that lifeless part to kill the rest of me
I struggle
God just wants me to lean on Him
I have to rely on what I have always known
God gives you what you need to survive
Even if I don’t know what IT is
It’s here, in me
It’s my job to struggle through
And so I struggle
Eventually I’ll win because God is good
I’m going to use this unique pain
Its distinct signature will elevate me toward an unforeseen destiny

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Black Love Poem Sample 2 - Change

I have changed
I am barely recognizable to myself
Great tragedy
Alters beings
I am forever changed
There is goodness in the new me
I am disconnected from this world I live in
I am growing in spirit
I am stronger
And more than I have ever been
People no longer know me
It scares them
Sometimes I don’t know myself
I have lost many

While gaining others
All I know is I have a choice
Options are always good
I can stay lost in my misfortune
Or be found in new strength
That is truer to who I now am
I am still becoming
And the journey ahead looks great

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Alissa!

Happy birthday to my lovely niece, Alissa, in PA.  May God Continue to bless you always!


Staying Focused

It's good not to waste time. I always want things yesterday. Once I identify what needs to be done, I tend to put myself of a calendar of speed towards my goals. I'm not knocking this method because I get many things done this way, but it's also important to live in the moment. It's just the beginning because I have much to do, but I'm learning to slow my pace. It's important to appreciate the process and people you come across while on your journey. I'm staying focused, but I'm also going to take my time and do it right.


Black Love Poetry Sample 1 - Waking Up

Waking Up
When I wake up
It’s different
And when I say different
I mean
I feel that no one else has ever experienced what I do
They wake up to the world
I wake up to you
You are my world
In your eyes I see love
In your voice I hear passion
You are like the moon
Always there but transparent at times
And the stars that brighten up the darkest nights
You are as important to me as the sun is to the universe
You are my life

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Friday, January 7, 2011

Beauty in Pain

Beauty in Pain is my upcoming novel. It's due to come out during the early part of 2011. This is my first novel and I am looking forward to getting it out into the world. It's on the last round of edits.  Soon, I will post something about it.


Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love

Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love is a love story told through poems.  There are many ranges of emotions reflected inside.  There is something for everyone in this unique book of poetry.  Black Love will eventually be followed by a novel based on the original book of poems.  Loving this book, as I do, that will be very exciting.  


Thursday, January 6, 2011

How Publishing Began

                                          Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love

As a teenager, whenever I wrote a new poem, I’d announce, “I’m going to publish a poetry book one day.” I never really believed I would. It seemed like an impossible feat. My sister, Jennifer would ask, “What’s the name of this book?” Not really knowing, I declared, “Black Love.” It had a nice sound.  

Many years later, Jennifer and I would talk about writing because my love for it grew and she began writing a book of her own. Several years ago, Jennifer passed on and I decided that I would publish her story, for my sister. When I was unable to locate it, I decided that I would publish my book of poems – Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love. Approximately a year after Jennifer moved into eternal bliss, a little girl's dream was fulfilled because she thought it would make her and her sister happy.  

Black Love opened a creative gate that continues to flow and pushes me towards new things.       



Happy New Year and may God bless and keep you in it.  I’ve been thinking about this new year, 2011 and it feels good.  I have decided to further its good feeling with things that will better my life.  There are many ways, but I’ll only speak on a few.  I want to become more in touch with my spirituality, take care of my body and advance my writing career.  I have some ideas, but I have to put serious thought into how to proceed daily.  Any suggestions?  I'd like to hear them.  What would you like to see manifest in your life?  What are you doing to make it happen?


When Writing Began (The Easy Answer)

Writing has always been a big part of my life.  As a child, I wrote poems and songs and journaling was an everyday part of my life.  I never thought about it.  It was simply what I did.  As an adult, I mostly did technical writing and papers for school.  The official literary shift from a little girl's hobby to a woman's career came later and begins with my first book, Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love (978-0-595-44750-3). 

So that is where we will begin. I look forward to discussing it with you.
Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love


Alice Benton's Blog!

Hello, this is my first official blog post! I'm excited about it because I know that it's just the beginning of something wonderful. Who knows where it will take us. I'll talk about things I've written and topics that surround them, but lets not limit ourselves to that. Please read, enjoy, comment and share with your friends.
