Alice Benton's Blog

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Beauty in Pain Warriors

Tonight's post comes directly from inspiration I received from one of my Networked Blog Followers. I recently, sent out an email to supporters of mine to enlists friends into helping along The Beauty in Pain Cause. So far, the reception has been fantastic. God bless those who believe in me and help simply because the can. It was suggested that the email be posted for others to read. It has been slightly edited, but here it is and thank you for reading.

Beauty in PainBeauty in Pain Email Re: Beauty in Pain Warriors

Hello Dear Friends:

If you’re receiving this email, you are a great supporter of mine. As such, I am asking you to join The Beauty in Pain Cause. I am asking each of you to assist me in selling books. Also, because you are so near and dear to me, I will accept your decision not to help as well, with no questions asked. I am aware that even if you want to assist me, sometime you just do not have the time or people resources to do so. Below are reasons from a blog post I wrote, to love Beauty in Pain.

Reasons to Love Beauty in Pain

1.   1.   It is a story that everyone can relate to regardless of experience.
2.   2.   It is a unique story.
3.   3.   In its own way, it shows perception is everything. If you are willing to change your mind, you change your life for the better.
4.   4.   It is filled with life lessons.
5.   5.   It identifies some characteristics of grief.
6.   6.   It will enhance your life.
7.   7.   It is supernaturally intriguing.
8.   8.   It shows that anyone can overcome their personal struggles no matter what they are going through in life.
9.   9.   It is both interesting and entertaining.
1010.It is an inspiring tale.

Basically, if you say yes I’m on board, this is what I would like from your participation.

1.   1.  A commitment to attempt to sell 5 to 10 Beauty in Pain books.
2.   2.  You must read the book.
3.   3.  Once you’ve read and loved it spread the word! If you agree that it will entertain, or more importantly help people tell them about it.

One idea I had was for you to host a Beauty in Pain Party. It would be a get-together in which your friends, family, co-workers or just anyone that wanted to show support could order their books and mingle. A party isn’t necessary, but it is an idea. I would also like you to think of what you could do. Maybe you could introduce it to your church or Pastor. Or simply be kind enough to take orders at work or elsewhere. If you are part of a book club please suggest it as a group read. Pick what is suitable for you.

If enough of you agree, I will create a Facebook page just for The Beauty in Pain Cause. It will be there that I give you updates. Please let me know if you have any questions…thanks for your time.

Alice Benton, Author of Beauty in Pain

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Gift of People

Gifts are wonderful. There is no other way to say it. Gifts make you feel good and strengthen the knowledge that someone is thinking of you. When you're lucky, they also enhance your life.

Did you know that you could also experience the gift of people? Whenever a person lends their time to help that's what you're getting, a precious present.

We all need to pitch in and help. This life is too short to only think of ourselves. God loves when we help His children. Consider gifting your time today.

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Help Our World
I'm Blessed
Serve Humanity Through Charity Water

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Happy Birthday Ariana!

Alice Benton's Blog wishes Ariana S. a very happy birthday! May God bless and keep you. Enjoy your special day!



They say that misery loves company. We've heard this catchy, but horrible phrase our entire lives. The statement makes you wonder. Misery can be defined by a state or circumstance, but either way, it is always in relation to suffering. What is misery? And, why does it adore company? Well, the second question got me thinking...things cannot carry affection or attachment. Misery is not a what, it's a who.

People carry many things around with them. There's usually an abundance of good, bad and indifference mixed up inside. When a person has become overwhelmed with what they consider to be horrific agony, all of the good emotion can be lost in it. The company in question can only be addressed from something else we've all heard, which is, hurt people hurt people. So, if you are miserable you will, intentionally or not, make others mad; spreading hurt instead of love.

When you walk through a door, let people see love, not misery. Remember, God lives in each of us. If you are a person that is living in a state of misery, you are not alone. You may not instantly switch to sharing love, but try to because your efforts matter. Also, before you go to bed tonight say good-bye to misery. Unfortunately, bad things happen sometime, but we were not meant to torment ourselves with it for the rest of our lives. When you wake up thank God for a new day...then say hello to delight! Starting the day positive can make things better.

I wish you true joy, peace and love!

*Posts you may enjoy:

God is Love
Reach For Him
We Are Not Alone

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Are You Doing Your Best?

When dealing with children and tasks, loving adults are quick to pose a question. They ask, are you doing your best? Of course, the answer varies from child to child, however, it is offered up to each for the same reason. That query is a fundamental effort to practice values. Adults want children to know what's important.

Grown-ups often forget to check in on their own behavior. As life goes on and routines set in, things tend to become mundane. When dealing with your own assignments, make sure you're exercising an excellent work ethic. Do your best. Honestly, that's all any of us can do. It's also not what most people put forth.

Remember to be the very best version of yourself that you can. Also, make a habit of reminding yourself of values while reinforcing them. Lead by example and keep your values in tact too.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Tears can represent so many emotions. There's sadness, joy and the feeling of being overwhelmed or of relief. There are also those times when why isn't exactly clear.

It is my belief that our tears are more important than we realized. I think our tears are holy. They cleanse us from the inside out. They're our personal internal waterfall, which was instilled by the master architect--God. They were designed to release a flood, if necessary, to wash away our pain when most needed.

Think about how you feel after a good cry. No matter what is going on, we usually feel a little better at the very least. Most feel much better having flushed their body with such emotion.

Decide not to feel shameful while tearing up. Embrace your tears. Acknowledge that God has given you built in sanctification and know all is well.

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Gift's From God
Listening To Your Spirit

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Confidence is extremely important, regardless of where it's applied. Not only can it put pep in your step, it is a wonderful self-promoter. People who demonstrate it usually are not overlooked.

Most rarely remember to show confidence when it comes to their abilities. They sing praises for others less capable, but never adaquately mention their own. At work, the skills they possess are down played only to be followed by time wasted wondering why you didn't get the job.

You know when you're good at something and so does everyone else. They may not admit to that knowledge, but you should. Don't be cocky, just state your truth. There is nothing wrong with displaying your talent, as long as you're honorable about it. Acknowledge what you've got while giving God all the glory.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Being Your Best
Mental Space

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Holding My Grandson

While holding my grandson I experienced such an endearing moment. I held him to my chest as he slept. His face was pointing outward as he rested on my right shoulder. My ear was leaning against the back of his sweet head. I had my left hand on his back while the other secured the snuggling position. And, I could hear his heart beat.

There was an instance when his heart beat was all I could hear. It was amazing. It thumped in the way that small a child's does--special. I was overcome with love.

I recalled my God is Love post, as love surged through our bodies from heart to heart. I thought, this is a great time to introduce God into his being. My grandson now knows that he is truly never alone. He now knows that God lives inside of him and he can tell Him anything. He now knows that God watches and protects him, even when grandma cannot. He also knows as the bible for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord!

Speak blessings into your little one's heart today.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Evening Thoughts
God is Love
God's Gift

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Role Models

The right role model can be great, but there is no way to tell if yours is exceptional. Remember they are just people who make mistakes too. Holding a person up to an unatural standard can be disappointing.

Never wait for upsets, but if they come don't take it too personal; be kind. If you have a role model, recognize them for who they are, which is a person that excels in certain ways. Celebrate their achievements, without placing them above the rest.  All is not lost when someone falls off the pedestal you've created for them.

The great thing about them is how they have affected you in a positive manner. Be prepared to pick up whatever you have already learned and run with it. You have everything you need to be successful. Strut your stuff, and before you know it someone will find you role model worthy.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Change Can Be Good
Pillow talk


Saturday, July 23, 2011


Day-to-day as life goes on, you sometimes feel you need a miracle. It always seems least likely to show up when you want it most, but never give up. Stand strong in your beliefs even when in doubt. That's what it means to have faith.

The delicate fabric of life is proof enough that miracles exists. It's amazing that many of us made it through childhood with all the bad in the world, but we did. That is a blessing in itself.

Life tends to test our faith, repeatedly. Trials and tribulations can weigh us down. Don't give into it! A miracle can appear when you least choose to believe.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Positive Decisions

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Pillow Talk

As you lie down on your pillow, either before going to sleep or afterwards when waking up, talk to God. There are always many things to discuss. It can be private time that you use to speak with your Father.

Tell Him everything, which includes intimate things that no one else needs to hear. Also complain and ask for things. Let Him know when you're in trouble, after all, that's what dads are for. Share the good in life too. And, remember to praise Him because that's what good children do.

*Posts you may enjoy:

God is in Control
God is Love
Reach for Him


Thursday, July 21, 2011

God is Love

Who is God? God is love. That takes me back to what I call catechcism 101. It's such a small question with a simple answer, but when you fully understand its true meaning the ramifications on your life are huge.

So few of us claim to know God, yet we all act as if we know what love is. Love can be defined in many ways, but the real definition is God's essence.

When you give or receive love, you are sharing God. Every pure loving feeling is a little piece of His countless magnitude. No matter how you came into being, love made you. God is inside you and moves around with you.

You are never alone when you embrace love. Truthfully, you aren't even when you don't. So, why not acknowledge it and go forward from a place of power? Spread love always, especially, when it's difficult and bask in His glory.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Mental Space
We Are Not Alone

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Beauty in Pain Book Signing - MD

I am happy to announce that I will be at Greetings & Readings in Hunt Valley, Maryland! The Beauty in Pain book signing will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2011 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.

I'm honored that Greetings & Readings has allowed me to stop in and sign some books. I'm excited about appearing in Hunt Valley, MD and cannot wait to meet you there at the signing.

I encourage you to purchase your copy of Beauty in Pain prior to the event, if possible. If not, don't worry about it, we've got you covered. I look forward to saying hello and autographing your copy of Beauty in Pain. As always, I wish you happy reading and hope to see you there.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Beauty in Pain - Available Now
My Beauty in Pain Review - Part I
Reasons To Love Beauty in Pain

Check out Greetings & Readings.

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Rules vs. Results

There are rules to just about everything. They may be an attached literary certainty or unspoken. Either way, the rules still exist.

Many people don't like to follow the rules. It makes them feel like they are falling in line. That is a sentiment that makes them angry.

We all have to face it, the rules can change, but so can the results. Always keep in mind that rules were made to produce a desired affect. When you willingly change them, you are tampering with the result you receive.

It's true, some rules were meant to be broken, but not all of them. Ask yourself, if the adjustments you are making are going to give you what it is you seek. Also, if you want to obtain something, are you doing the things you need for the right results?

*Posts you may enjoy:

Change Can Be Good
God Is In Control
What's On Your Agenda


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Writer's Block

Lately, I have been experiencing a small bout of writer's block. I have never had it before and found it a little disturbing. My mind began to race, as I tried to figure out the answer to my question. Why now?

I don't know why others go through it, but my reason is now clear. I looked at my life, which revealed a change. My mind was cluttered because of issues I have been experiencing. I was getting lost in the natural.

I have to remember to pray and meditate always. It's very important because I don't want to give any more energy to problems. When I take time to clear my mind of negative woes, the words flow. My positive natural flow takes over. It urges forth things to communicate.

Regardless of what you may be blocking, set it free. Schedule time to breathe and clear your my mind.

*Posts you may enjoy:
Beauty in Pain on Facebook
Positive Decisions
Writing Male Characters

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Monday, July 18, 2011


If you have ever wondered why I write the things I do, please ask. It can be regarding the past, present and even future projects. You can type your questions in the comments of this post, or under the appropriate post that was previously listed.

Thank you and I wish you happy continued reading.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

An Affordable Clothes Expansion

I'm always trying to help a woman out with the expansion of her wardrobe. That particular assistance usually comes from things I have found to help myself or cute things I have noticed. Here are a few examples on how to extend your style without handing over more money.

A few simple items can move your look foward while also giving you more options. If you already have them in your posession great. You can learn how to put those items on double duty. If not, you'll have to buy them, but it will be worth the purchase.

Necessary Items For Expansion

1.  Leggings - You need a plain, everyday color that can easily be mixed and matched. Wear with a) a dress, b) long tee shirt or c) sweater.

2.  Oversized Tube Top - I prefer a tube top with a loose fitting middle, instead of the traditional fit that lays on the body. This can be worn as a) a top above the waist, as b) a top whose bottom falls below the bottom with leggings, as c) a dress, if you can pull it off, or as d) a skirt.

3.  Sundress - Any kind will do, but I think you should pick one that you love the bottom of independently. Of course, you can wear it as a) a sundress or b) as a skirt. One day wear it with a cardigan, which by the way can take it through seasons. Another wear it with a regular blouse or blazer to change up the look.

Remember, A sharpened eye with a unique flare can change your clothings outlook. Have fun with what you wear!

*Posts you may enjoy:

Clothing Scare
Fashion Trend Dos & Don'ts
It's All About Accessories
What Makes You Feel Attractive?

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Friday, July 15, 2011


Ever notice a disciplined person and feel like they were missing out. Or were you on the other side of the spectrum; secretly hoping to be like them some day. Too much of anything can be bad, but I think those demonstrating self-control are on to something.

A little bit of discipline can go a long way. When you think about it, discipline allows you to regulate yourself. It also, helps to keep you out of trouble. Learning to excercise it can fix a great deal, as well as avoid some future issues.

Pace yourself and know that everything doesn't have to be out of contol. There is still time to correct it.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Be Disciplined
Positive Decisions
We Are Not Alone

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Positive Decisions

Thus far, 2011 has been nothing short of amazing. I successfully addressed some personal issues. I also published my second book -- a novel entitled Beauty in Pain-- and strengthened my desire to serve, among many other things.

Yes, there has been some bad, but I'm not going to focus on the negative. It's the ability to recognize positive change that is freeing. I pray that this year has been great for you too. If it has not been, know that it can get better.

Each of my advances, began to show progress immediately after I made a decision. I committed to being better than I am. That doesn't mean the best or even have a specific end in mind. I only needed to be serious about making a good effort toward forward motion.

You'll be surprised how many goals you complete when your intention is pure and focus driven. All stanards are set by and for you. So set yourself up for success. Always pray for guidance and just keep going.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Carefully Measure Your Success
What's On Your Agenda

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Beauty in Pain Review Part II

If you read yesterdays post, you know that I have been reading my newly published novel, Beauty in Pain. For your information, there are only five parts. I talked about Part's One - Three. Tonight, I have finished and will share my thoughts on Part's Four & Five.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me. It has been humbling and wonderful to say the least. I look forward to discussing it in some type of open forum with you in detail.

Three things stood out to me in Part Four. First, sometimes we simply have to do things that we don't want. Second, people often pay too much  attention to the wrong thing. And third, the ways of the world vs. the ways of the Lord are two very different things.

Part Five shows there are good and bad ways to deal with issues, which includes the men and women we deal with in our lives. Sometime we willing walk into situations that are clearly trouble. It also show that we can always make a difference and perception is everything. Last, but not least, can survive anything. So when things are rough just hold on because it will get better.Overall, life has its moments of happiness and despair, but I promise you God is good everyday.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Beauty In Pain - Available Now
My Beauty in Pain Review Part I
Reach for Him

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My Beauty in Pain Review Part I

Tonight, I am reviewing my novel, Beauty in Pain. It's amazing and I am happy to be able to share it with you.

As I read Beauty in Pain, I am overwhelmed with emotion. In Part One, I found it to be fast paced and exciting.  It was also shocking, yet wonderfully realistic while being very explosive and interesting.

Part Two is filled with dramatic scenes. It also left me thinking about how various relationships survive such personal chaos...only through the grace of God. Life is a wonderful gift, but its trials can leave you empty if you don't stay guarded.

While I am on my way to reading Part Three, I know that the many people have dealt with the struggle in it. I also know that everyones issues are different. Whatever it is, has been or will be for you. You are not alone. Push through your problems. No matter what they are you can survive them.

I know that someone will Beauty in Pain and not listen to the evil voice that can reach us through out misery and appear to be beautiful. It might be thousands people or only one person, but the number one is great when talking about lives; one is enough and well worth it. I hope you will join me in reading my novel and spreading the word.

Stay blessed!

*Posts you may enjoy:

Beauty in Pain - Available Now
My Beauty in Pain Part II
The Beauty in Pain Cause
Reasons to Love Beauty in Pain

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This past weekend was a constant reminder to trust in the Lord. Bad things would happen or someone would let me down; leaving me feeling crushed. Every time I began to give in to being defeated, I was shown that I'm not alone.

Reality was holding me down because I failed to rise and put on my spiritual suit. I was feeding into the natural. Things and people were attempting to get me down. I didn't look to my supernatural Father.

We have to remember whose child we really are & things will be okay. Our powerful Father has placed the ability to get through all things inside us. Remain armed with His word. And know that all is truly well.

*Posts you may enjoy:

God is in Control
God's Gift
Reach for Him

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Favorite Teachers

This is a post that I previously displayed on my friend's blog -- I hope you enjoy it!

Most people have a favorite teacher and honestly I could name many that have served me well.  I have been blessed enough to have had good teachers from grade school all the way through college.

When I really sit down and think about which teacherin high school not only expanded my knowledge, but also widened my perception, it would have to be Mr. Chimenti.

Mr. Chimenti was my music teacher in high school. His love of song was contagious. Yes, of course he mentioned lots of groups that the typical teenager didn't want to hear about, but his passion for it made you pay attention.

The class was introduced to all forms ranging from Opera to the Beatles. Mr. Chimenti made me want to sing and learn more. His multi-faceted lessons fostered an open mindedness towards classic music and a love of the opera. His class enhanced my current life by adding culture to it.

Real teachers make you feel confident while relating to their subject matter. They also add substance and greatness to your life. Kudos to Mr. Cimenti, as well as all of the other great teachers!

*Posts you may enjoy:

The Ides of March
Zazoosworld & Me


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Block Party!

Today was a day that many blocks celebrated annual block parties. And, my block was no different. There were barbeques, music, a pool for the children and good times all around.

It didn't even slightly resemble the old versions. Back in the day, block parties were held separate, unlike the all-in-one cluster of present day. People from all over the neighborhood would fill the streets & party until early in the morning. It was a party of the year.

While things have changed, it was still all good. We danced, ate and enjoyed each others company. I'm not a porch person, yet tonight I was out and had real fun.

Here's to next year!

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Evening Thoughts
Extended Family
It's Not Just Wii

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Friday, July 8, 2011


If you are going through an angry stage in your life try to fight it. An angry disposition will not serve you well. And, it can also assist in moving you further from God. Anger, if you feed into it, can take over your body and cloud your mind.

Actively do your best to rid your body of angry feelings. When you are mad do everything in your power not to be. Embrace happiness every chance you get. It will make you feel better.

Your attitude affects the days flow and people around you. So, make it a good one. Spread joy and love, instead of hostility. Make sure the day goes better because you cared.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Being Your Best
Reach for Him

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Beauty in Pain Cause

I have waited a long time for Beauty in Pain to be released.  I view this novel as very important.   As I have stated before, I started writing Beauty in Pain for one reason, but in the end, I published this novel for you.  I kept thinking things like people need this or this could help someone.   

Not only is Beauty in Pain a story that anyone can relate to, it's wonderfully unique and entertaining.  Trust me, there is something in it for everyone.  My entire heart and soul went into its creation.    

If you have ever gone through something and wondered if you'll survive it or maybe you're currently experiencing a trial that you don't feel you can make it through, Beauty in Pain is for you. It's filled with life lessons. It's a great story that is overflowing with inspiration.  

It is my prayer that Beauty in Pain travel well beyond my singular reach.  Please help me to spread it across the globe, one family, group or community at a time.  Read it, love it, then help to get it out into the world.  I need Beauty in Pain Warriors to support the cause. That can be done via word of mouth, in a blog post or even by encouraging a group of friends to order and read it together.  Please let me know if you have an idea that will help.   

Blessings always,  
Alice Benton
Author of Beauty in Pain

*Posts you may enjoy are Beauty in Pain - Available Now, Beauty in Pain on Facebook and Reasons to Love Beauty in Pain.

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Human Resources

Many of us have causes we need to further, but  lack the resources to make it happen. We believe that money is the bottom line, but isn't always. People are a value resource that everyone has access to, but most do not attempt to approach. Some friends, family and even the occasional, yet appropriate, stranger can be helpful. In fact, human resources can be the most important part of a successful cause.

If you find the right people to help, their intellectual property alone is priceless. Their collective brain power can make up for a bad financial situation. It can also find a cure for lack of money.

Do yourself a favor and ask for help when needed. Remember, we were meant to go through things together.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mahi Mahi Squares

I'm keeping it really simple with this recipe! The reason you'll love it is because it's fast, delicious and easily altered. You'll also like that we're eye balling it instead of using exact measurements.  

You'll need small nicely cut pieces of mahi mahi. FYI, I prefer small portions because each piece of fish is for an individual serving. Also required are gourmet tortillas, baby romaine salad, extra virgin olive oil, Pam butter spray, lemon juice, thousand island dressing and the following spices: pepper, seasoning salt, marjoram, thyme, bay leaves and garlic powder. 

Cooking Directions

Cover the bottom of a skillet with extra virgin olive oil and warm on low. Once warmed, place mahi mahi inside pan and season. When seasoning, I like to completely cover the top with each spice, except the salt and garlic. I'm light with them because salt is a health no-no and garlic can over power the collective taste.

Sprinkle spices and let fish cook for approximately six minutes. Spray Pam and then flip fish over. Repeat cooking instructions again, but instead of turning fish over, pour a little bit of lemon juice on it. Heat gourmet tortilla then put baby romaine salad in the middle of it.

Next, place fish on top of salad and pour thousand island dressing onto fish. Fold the circle tortilla into a square; fold bottom up, fold top down and both sides into the middle. When you have finished folding it, turn it over onto a plate to serve.

Voila!  Mahi Mahi Squares!

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Clothing Scare

Ever reach for your go to outfit because it always looks great on you, only to find that now it just looks scary. Well, if that has happened, you need your clothes updated. You'll also need a trustworthy friend and brutal honesty from yourself. 

The first thing you need to do is identify why your staple diggs no longer make you look good. As far as I know, it's either because your size or your style has changed. If your size has shifted, immediately get rid of the apparel that was already too big or small depending on whether you gained or lost weight. If it was because of style you'll have to do one of two things, shop til you drop or try to reinvent your wardrobe. 

Clothing recreation can be tricky, although, it can be done. Have your friend help and use the brutal honesty to know what is and isn't working. Keep an open mind, attempt to wear things differently and use accessories in a unique manner. Thinking outside the fashion box can make some things appear brand new again.

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Alice Benton's Blog: Reasons to Love Beauty in Pain

Alice Benton's Blog: Reasons to Love Beauty in Pain: " Yesterday's read, Michael Vey , inspire..."

Being Your Best

Who doesn't want to be the best? We all want to be on top of our game & stay there. Regardless of the field you are talking about, we want our talent to shine.   While there are many ways to master a craft, there is only one way to remain an expert.

Believe it or not, practice does make perfect, or at least as close as you can get to it. Incorporate ways to study or have preparation time. It will help to make you better. Working on your skill set will move you in the right direction so stay busy.


Happy Fourth of July

Alice Benton's Blog wishes you all a happy 4th of July! We gladly celebrate our Independence while reflecting on the importance of this day, which I will do in red, white and blue. God bless America!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

True Beauty

That old saying is true. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We, as people, often forget what being held us first. It was God; He is the master of all things lovely.

We are all very different. It is our differences that make us beautiful. Many are close minded toward true beauty because they have not yet evolved enough to see it. If you can recognize it know that you are blessed.

When someone says you are not beautiful they are exposing who they are, not you.

*Posts you may enjoy:
Reach For Him 
What Makes You Feel Attractive.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Be Disciplined

I've been running around so much lately. There has been much to do. That wouldn't be bad if it was for the right things.   I will not continue to allow small distractions to take me away from the big things in life.

Once I realized what happened, I refocused to stay on track. I delegated the little things and prioritized. I am now on alert!    A disciplined mind keeps the well intentioned off that paved road to hell.   

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Important Decisions
Slow Down


We Are Not Alone

This past week has been challenging in many ways. Every trial and tribulation that could find me did. I have dealt with personal, medical and technical difficulties one after the other. The issues began to weigh me down one-by-one. I felt my head dropping in defeat with each new problem that appeared.
I reminded myself who I am; God's child. I will praise Him always. As ordeals continue to introduce themselves, I continue to praise His holy name. Every mouth full of praise has lifted my head higher.

I am not alone & remember neither are you! 

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God is in Control
Renewing Yourself

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