Alice Benton's Blog

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Beauty in Pain Warriors

Tonight's post comes directly from inspiration I received from one of my Networked Blog Followers. I recently, sent out an email to supporters of mine to enlists friends into helping along The Beauty in Pain Cause. So far, the reception has been fantastic. God bless those who believe in me and help simply because the can. It was suggested that the email be posted for others to read. It has been slightly edited, but here it is and thank you for reading.

Beauty in PainBeauty in Pain Email Re: Beauty in Pain Warriors

Hello Dear Friends:

If you’re receiving this email, you are a great supporter of mine. As such, I am asking you to join The Beauty in Pain Cause. I am asking each of you to assist me in selling books. Also, because you are so near and dear to me, I will accept your decision not to help as well, with no questions asked. I am aware that even if you want to assist me, sometime you just do not have the time or people resources to do so. Below are reasons from a blog post I wrote, to love Beauty in Pain.

Reasons to Love Beauty in Pain

1.   1.   It is a story that everyone can relate to regardless of experience.
2.   2.   It is a unique story.
3.   3.   In its own way, it shows perception is everything. If you are willing to change your mind, you change your life for the better.
4.   4.   It is filled with life lessons.
5.   5.   It identifies some characteristics of grief.
6.   6.   It will enhance your life.
7.   7.   It is supernaturally intriguing.
8.   8.   It shows that anyone can overcome their personal struggles no matter what they are going through in life.
9.   9.   It is both interesting and entertaining.
1010.It is an inspiring tale.

Basically, if you say yes I’m on board, this is what I would like from your participation.

1.   1.  A commitment to attempt to sell 5 to 10 Beauty in Pain books.
2.   2.  You must read the book.
3.   3.  Once you’ve read and loved it spread the word! If you agree that it will entertain, or more importantly help people tell them about it.

One idea I had was for you to host a Beauty in Pain Party. It would be a get-together in which your friends, family, co-workers or just anyone that wanted to show support could order their books and mingle. A party isn’t necessary, but it is an idea. I would also like you to think of what you could do. Maybe you could introduce it to your church or Pastor. Or simply be kind enough to take orders at work or elsewhere. If you are part of a book club please suggest it as a group read. Pick what is suitable for you.

If enough of you agree, I will create a Facebook page just for The Beauty in Pain Cause. It will be there that I give you updates. Please let me know if you have any questions…thanks for your time.

Alice Benton, Author of Beauty in Pain

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