Alice Benton's Blog

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Working Through Adversity

Today, was a hard day.  That's not a complaint, it's just fact.  Everything that could have gone wrong did, but I have learned to push through what doesn't seem to go my way.  On top of everything else I've been silenced.  I lost my voice due to harsh coughing and a cold, but I refuse to make it worse by complaining.

I have decided I will find a way to make it work.  I'm taking it as a sign.  I once heard someone say, "signs are for believers" and I believe.  Lord knows that words are important are I can still share them.  Thankfully, my fingers work; praise God! 

I can type and share my thoughts regardless of what my voice is doing.  I'll use this time to write more and advance my literary game.  That's the beauty in this throaty pain.  I will survive and so will you.  I hope this message finds you in God's grace and helps to keep you in a good place.

*Posts you may enjoy are God is in Control and I'm Blessed.

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