Alice Benton's Blog

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas' Reason

Christmas has been a magnificiant holiday throughout the years. It's easy to get carried away with all the commercial hype of it. Let's face it, the concentration on obtaining joy makes us feel elated.

Why shouldn't we feel good? I'm certain God intended for us to be happy. I don't think that's questionable, but how we go after it is vital. True joy cannot be purchased and that is what needs to be taught to our children.

There's nothing wrong with Christmas splendor, if it is kept in perspective. The coming of the Lord is what we're celebrating! Stories of baby Jesus should fill your home. Enjoy yourself, but remember Christ before Santa and spread love.

*Posts you may enjoy:

A Month Before Christmas
God Is Love
Reach For Him

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Monday, November 28, 2011

My Books - Beauty in Pain & Black Love

The novel, Beauty in Pain, surrounds the topic of losing a loved one. While the story focuses on the main character Valerie Peterson and her ability to, at times, cope with loss. It also shows her inability to properly deal with the situation at hand. Beauty in Pain is filled with the drama that may engulf a family during this particular struggle. It shows the stages of grief, which are on full display through intriguing characters. 

This novel covers one of life's inevitable steps. It is an experience that will take its reader on a wild, but fantastic journey. This is an inspiring tale that begins with an accident and covers the years after it. 

This is one for the book clubs. Or, at the very least, I suggest reading it with a friend because you will want to discuss it. Beauty in Pain is an emotional roller coaster, but it's definitely a ride worth taking. 


On the other hand, Black Love: A Book of Poetry & Love keeps things really simple. This book of poems is a unique representation of relationships. It's full of sensual, caring, realistic, harsh and loving realizations. It leads the reader straight to true love. 

Black Love is a great read for one person, but two is even better.

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Sunday, November 27, 2011


You probably know by now that I have been focused on starting the new year right. Well, in order to do that I decided to use the time left in this year as best I could. I wanted to clarify things I want completed before 2012 began, so I sat down and wrote a list. List aren't necessary, but I have always been the pen and paper or fingers to the keyboard/screen type of girl. I use them as a focal optimization point (FOP). It works for me because I have many things on my plate and do not wish to leave certain things undone.

My FOP consists of twenty-five things. Many of which have further detailed specifications to be completed. Most will not be an easy check off, nevertheless, it's what needs to be done from my point of view. As I reviewed my FOP and realized that there was little more than a month left in this year, I quietly panicked.

My youngest walked in the room and looked at my list. Her eyes immediately bulged and she said, "Whoa."

I asked, "Is it too much?"

 She looked at it again and replied, "Not if you're determined."

I picked my FOP back up and reviewed it again with my daughter's statement in mind. I am determined, after all, I created this list for a very good reason--positive forward advancement. It will be a little challenging, but I'm going to do what needs to be done. I'm not only finishing 2011 the right way, I'm taking to next year knowing I can do all things with Christ.

I invite you to make your own FOP for positive movement. It may be longer or shorter, but that doesn't matter because it simply has to be right for your life. Once you create it, be determined to see it to the end!

*Posts you may enjoy:


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Saturday, November 26, 2011

When Christmas Comes Early

When Christmas comes early consider yourself blessed. It simply means that the coming of the Lord was quickened in ways, just for you. Show praise in recognition of your miracle received.

You may have blatantly asked for something while in prayer. Or pitifully suggested what you knew you wouldn't get only to see it delivered. One thing is certain, God is listening. He knows exactly what you need and when its best time to arrive.

Keep talking to your Father. Express yourself in all the ways you thought you couldn't. Let Him know how you feel. You may not get all that your looking for but you will receive what you need. Remember that God's timing is always perfect.

*Posts you may enjoy:

God Is In Control
Reasons to Love Beauty in Pain
Reach For Him

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Giving Thanks Daily

I had an unusual day. I love it when I experience a day or a holiday in this case that is lovely, but nothing like what I expected. This was the case for my Thanksgiving. I had a plan and even a back up plan, but I was still caught by surprise.

My day turned out to be exactly what I needed. I was happy and so was my family. There was never a dull moment, yet there were definite times of peace. There was plenty of joy to go around, which is just the way I like it.

Everyday should be occupied with giving thanks. Gratitude for God and each other are a special necessity that isn't shown enough during the year. May we all incorporate more praise into our daily lives.

*Posts you may enjoy:

A Month Before Christmas
Joyous Morning

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Thursday, November 24, 2011


Today, I found it fitting to sort of list why I am thankful. Let me say, I'm not going to record it all because there is too much. I'm keeping it general. Truth be told, there are countless things that deserve thanks in my life. It's not because I'm blessed any more than most. It's because I choose to recognize's all beauty.

I'm thankful for my entire family. I am thankful for my friends, my readers and my supporters. I'm thankful for every new day I am blessed enough to wake up into. I'm thankful for love and the ability to give and receive it. I'm thankful for my life...this life with all of its abundance and absence of such. I'm thankful for God and being able to praise Him in all situations. Last, but not least, I am thankful for you specifically.

God bless you and enjoy your day!

*Posts you may enjoy:

Gifts From God
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm Blessed
Raising Children

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Alice Benton's Blog wishes you a very happy thanksgiving! I hope that you will rejoice in all that you have and show thanks. God bless you!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Month Before Christmas

A Month Before Christmas

Twas the month before Christmas 
You prayed all through night
Only faith lingered
No hope was in sight
Along came a feeling
As certain as air
Things would work out 
Because Jesus is here
You didn't know how
And were not concerned
Because God works wonders
A fact you have learned
So fill up your heart
With love and some glee
Because God has all answers
Christ is with thee

By  Alice Benton

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why I Failed

At the end of the day, I wanted to be able to say, "Nights like tonight are what champions are made of." I was presented with a specific challenge. It was one I had seen approaching for a while. I thought good I can prepare to overcome it, but I failed.

I had both foresight and the know how, but they didn't help. There wasn't enough focus on how to prevail. The knowledge of things to come wasn't used properly. Mistakenly, acknowledgment was considered the plan when it should have been the first step before becoming armed with the word of God.

When you're lucky enough to see a problem coming be proactive about it. Solve the issue by finding a way to resolve it. Admit there is something you can do...pray.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Life Learner
Truth Can Hurt

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Passing The Party

This past weekend was a special one. It was long, but I got things done. My only scheduled event was the Beauty in Pain, book signing in Norfolk, VA, but I had much more to do. My literary calendar was full and I could feel the late nights catching up to me.

I wanted to extend my stay and parlay the overall good feeling into a mini vacation. There were some fabulous moments, but I had a deadline to keep. Seemingly against my own will, I sat at up with my laptop and virtually completed my next novel, Autumn's Five Seasons.

I may not have gotten a chance to run around or shop, but I was happy with the choice I made. I felt accomplished, especially after finishing the novel tonight in its entirety. It's fantastic! You're going to love it! Sometime we have to pass on a little bit of fun and simply handle our business. The party will come back around!

*Posts you may enjoy:

Autumn's Five Seasons
Prince Books & Me
Where Can I Get Beauty in Pain?

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Prince Books & Me

This afternoon's Beauty in Pain Book Signing, at Prince Books in Downtown Norfolk, went well. In fact, it was a huge success! I sold out and was able to take some great photographs that can be seen on Facebook or

When I arrived, I was greeted by a very pleasant employee. Thank you to her and Prince Books for welcoming me into their store. After I set up my table I took a look around.

 I thought this will be good, after all, being in Norfolk is like visiting my heart. I spent a great of deal of time in Virginia when I was younger. So revisiting it felt like going home.

Thank you to everyone that joined me for the book signing! You are appreciated!


*Posts you may enjoy:

Facebook Pet Peeves
Miami Book Fair International 2011
Where Can I Get Beauty in Pain

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Kindness Of Family

Everyone is quick to talk about the kindness of strangers because it's unexpected. Let's face it, we want to tell the world when something odd happens, especially when it swings in our favor. Well, I want to discuss the opposite, which in this case is the support of a loved one.

I think it's only fitting to celebrate the countless family members that champion your cause whenever possible. Generally, they go unnoticed, but today I would like to sing their praises and give thanks. Life is so much more rich because of the people we can rely on day after day.

If you have someone that you can lean on without pause take time to tell them thank you. Love resides on a two way street, but it isn't always obvious. So give thanks and appreciation for those in your life today.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Beauty in Pain Book Signing - VA
Have It All

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Life's Journey

I talk to my mother about life quite a bit. I listen to her intently not only because she's my mom, but she's wise and has much to offer on the topic. She always says, "This is a journey we're taking. You know that right?"

I do know that. I am very aware that I am, as the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary puts it, traveling from one place to another. In fact, these last few years have been the most profound trip I've experienced to date.

Much of this life of mine is uncertain, but I don't need to know everything. God will lead me where I need to be. He knows the path for my life's journey.  

*Posts you may enjoy:

Beauty in Pain Book Signing - VA
God Is In Control
I Am
Road Travelled
The Wise One

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Changing Seasons

There are people that simply amaze you. They enter your life and immediately you're inspired. They make everything seem brighter. You don't want to let them go, yet, for whatever the reason, holding on to them is impossible.

We have to learn that everyone isn't meant to stay forever. Some aren't even around for an entire month. There are doors that we were meant to go through alone. Attempting to hold on to fleeting people and things is a way to not move forward.

Don't allow your blessings to go unclaimed. Do what you know you should. Many of us do what we want instead of what's right and then wonder why we're unhappy and can't get ahead. Remember, letting go is just another way to move forward.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Beauty in Pain Book Signing - VA
Change Can Be Good
Looking Forward
What's On Your Agenda?

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Truth Can Hurt

Accepting hard truths about reality can be bad, but avoiding them can be worse. When faced with a difficult actuality believe what's right in front of you. Neglecting the obvious, can lead to seeing only what is desired, which can be an obscure notion.

The truth is always the best way to go, especially when it is about a conflict in your own life. Allowing denial can leave you unnecessarily hurt. Even though it is correct that the truth can hurt. It doesn't have to twice. Accept it the first time and embrace what comes next. Most likely it won't be as bad it seems because things rarely happen that way. Letting go of one disappointment can free you up for great experiences to come.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Oh That Tricky B...
Settle For Love?

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Little Things

It's the little things in life that count. They may seem small when you come across them, but often they are part of what is most important. So learn to sweat the small stuff. Simple treasures brighten up lives.

Some of the best things in life come in the smallest of packages. For you, it may be a ring, a baby or even a smile. Apparently size does matter!

*Posts you may enjoy:

God Is In Control
Beauty in Pain Book Signing - VA
The Black Love Book Discussion

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Monday, November 14, 2011


The ups & downs of life can really throw you. Sometimes you experience things that are not too bad, but then there are also those other times. These events appear to possess the ability to turn your entire world upside down. Well, that's only true if it let it.

No matter what happens you are always at the very least in control of yourself. You may not be able to regulate what occurs, but you can control your reaction to it. In certain encounters, you can at any given moment decide to make the situation better or worse. Often, it doesn't seem like you have a decision to make, but you do.

Attempt to clear your mind when bad scenarios come your way. Focus on the important facts in the moment and act or react accordingly. It's up to you to push things in the best direction when it comes to your life.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Life's Ups & Downs
Ups & Downs
Persuasion & Permission

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Miami Book Fair International 2011

Great news! The Miami Book Fair International begins today, Sunday, November 13th! So if you're lucky enough to be in the area check it out because there are many great things to do. You have until the 20th of November to see everything, but the Street Fair is only from November18th - 20th.

There are many discussions and readings for the adults, as well as things for children. Activities for children include theater, arts-and-crafts, storytelling and readings. This annual fair is worth visiting. According the the About The Fair page, over 250 publishers, booksellers exhibit and sell books with special features.

If you would like to attend specific events visit the Schedule of Events page. The Fairgoer's Guide can also be helpful too. So head out there and buy books!

*Posts you may enjoy:

Beauty in Pain Book Signing - VA
The Black Love Book Discussion
Where Can I Get Beauty in Pain?

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Saturday, November 12, 2011


I am somewhat easy to define, yet I am undefinable. By definition, I am mother, child, sister, aunt, author...the list goes on, but the things about me that are most beautiful cannot be explained to their fullest meaning.

Do you define yourself with mere words that mean big things in society like parent, friend and doctor? While your description is important when clarifying the basics, remember verbiage can't begin to grasp who you are.

Yes, it is wonderful being many of those familiar and loving titles, but don't stop there. Enhance who you claim to be. Give some real thought to your existence and acknowledge that you are more than you realize, just like I am.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Search & You Shall Find
You're The Designer

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Don't Question It

Today was a day filled with many pleasant surprises. I heard people saying they had even surprised themselves. There was mention of the moons alignment and special positioning of the planets too. I couldn't believe some of things that I was hearing to explain joy. I thought is all of this talk about happiness? 

Rare, but wonderful moments kept popping up as if they were in season and I loved it. Make it a habit to question bad for the purpose of making them better. Don't question the good things. Enjoy them! You don't need an excuse for better times and they shouldn't be unique occurrences. Take it upon yourself to create excellent memories because you deserve it!

*Posts you may enjoy:

God Is In Control
New Year Joy
Reasons To Love Beauty in Pain

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Veterans Day

Alice Benton's Blog wishes you a very happy Veterans Day! God bless all the Veterans, including my daddy, that have served in the United States Armed Forces. Thank you for your dedication and blessings!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Year Joy

I'm starting to feel absolutely fantastic about next year. Right now it's just a feeling, but I fully intend on carrying that sentiment into the reality of 2012. I'm ecstatic about all that is in front of me. I have clear goals and I see them as obtainable.

This year has been successful in many ways and I expect nothing less from the one to come. Actually, I'm looking for more wins in 2012. That doesn't mean that I'll accomplish every objective. It only signifies that I am ready and willing to help things along in a positive manner.

Starting out with a complimentary attitude helps to move things in the right direction. Evaluate your new year vibes today. Will you have post count down blues or joy? Prepare yourself for triumph!

*Posts you may enjoy:

Ideas Should Materialize
Looking Forward
Victory Is Yours!

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

National Parks

We have all heard about the fantastic National Parks across the country. In fact, we have even seen many of them like Yosemite and Yellowstone National Parks on television. Have you ever gone into one? If not, now is the time to make the trip!

National Parks are not only great to look at, they're filled with history. Visiting them can be an event for the entire family. If you still need more incentive to give it a try, the U.S. National Park Service has a list of free entrance days available.

Plan a visit because there is much to see!

Link: National Parks with Amtrak

*Posts you may enjoy:

Change Can Be Good
Free Time
Loving Life

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Looking Forward

Everyone should have a sense of direction. As far as I'm concerned, it's a necessary part of life. There are so many ways to go these days that it can be hard to decide where you need to be. 

If you don't have a direction for your life you should pick one. Don't become overwhelmed because your choices can be broad at first. For instance, choose to move closer to God or away from negativity. Tighten the reigns later on, when you're stronger.

Looking back isn't bad, but try not to focus on the past too much. While many of the memories are lovely, you should be looking forward. Ironically, the best way to do that is by being fully present today. You don't have to schedule your life, but your personal compass should be pointed towards to future. 

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Breakfast in Brooklyn

This mornings Books & Breakfast Event held at The Archives Restaurant & Bar located in the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge was fascinating! Breakfast was shared with friends and family, which included author, Rose Hester-Lavenburg and aspiring writers. We had a ball. Luckily I found that a great way to bring people together is with food and books.

Everyone agreed that the buffet style breakfast was delicious. The only thing I regret is not tasting more edible delights, although the reviews around the tables were great. There was everything from muffins, danishes and fruit to bacon, waffles and a variety of sausage. There were countless other items, but my favorite was the western made for me fresh on the spot.

We talked about my novel, Beauty in Pain and it was wonderful! I loved hearing thoughts from the group. I discussed some of my favorite parts like the prison visit and chapter 13. While others talked about their own favored sections. We carefully discussed some of Beauty in Pain because there were some guest who had just received their copy...we may have to hold a discussion.

*Posts you may enjoy:

My Beauty in Pain Review Part I
My Beauty in Pain Review Part II
The Black Love Book Discussion
Rose Hester-Lavenburg & Poems for Benjamin

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Sunday, November 6, 2011


Today was an interesting day. It was filled with business and pleasure, as well as family and friends, but it was still somehow unbalanced. While I was able to get everything done that was needed, not one thing went as I figured it would.

There were power moves to appreciate, but I was also continuously let down. That's when I realized that I was allowing others to guide my mood. Yes, I had made some mistakes, but they were not enough to make me give up. I know that mistakes are just challenges I must overcome.

I was being disappointed and thrown off balance because I was leaning on everyone, except God. Don't get me wrong, people are a great source of love and support. And, thankfully, I have plenty of both, but it's God that will bring my dreams to fruition.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Great Things
Human Resources
Trust God

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Great Things

When great things are happening bad things tend to pop up! Every new corner rounded has a deterrent of some kind. Sometime there are so many discouraging points of view that an inspired person can become tempted to feel lost.

That's why it is so important to stand firm in what you know. Ignore all the negative things aimed at you because they do not belong to you. When you have been abundantly blessed all you have to do is claim it, rejoice and give praise.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Persuasion & Permission
Roads Travelled
Victory Is Yours!

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Happy Birthday Monica!

Alice Benton's Blog wishes Monica J. a very happy birthday! May you continue to get better every year! God bless!


Friday, November 4, 2011

Joyous Morning

Sometimes you find yourself in a funk and wonder why are you there. It seems like an unsolvable mystery, but it's not. There are always things and people that attempt to bring you down, but you don't have to let them.

You have more control over having a joyous morning that you think. It's a mind thing. Decide to be happy...right now! Tell yourself, no matter what goes wrong, I will maintain my joy.

It will be challenging at first, but you can do it. Spend time on things you can control and make them better. Don't waste time on what you can't change. Remain prayerful and do what you've got to do because God can fill you with joy when others cannot.

*Posts you may enjoy:

I'm Being Carried
Search & You Shall Find

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Happy Birthday Drew!

Alice Benton's Blog wishes Drew H. a happy birthday! May God bless you & I wish you many more fantastic years!


Thursday, November 3, 2011


Have you ever wrestled with a decision? Honestly, the huge choices must be handled by the Lord, but I'm talking about one that wasn't so big. In fact, it had the feel of an easy problem that you were somehow complicating.

The simple resolution was staring you in the face, but you couldn't wouldn't allow yourself to see it. You kept over thinking the issue when the facts were plan and obvious. How much easier could it have gotten? Also, when you finally admitted what needed to be done, you would think I don't want to let people down. 

Truthfully, it couldn't have been much more simple. Often, we fight with ourselves over doing what's right and place others first. And, that's not always what's best. You're important too. Don't complicate things. Remember, we were all created equal, but whether you stay balanced is up to you.

*Posts you may enjoy:

Count Your Blessings
Free Time

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Better Place

What a difference a year can make. I remember exactly what I was doing this day last year. It's funny how a specific memory can take you back and help you realize a thing or two.

I had placed myself in a situation because I felt that was the right to do. It wasn't, I was wrong. I was trying to do the right thing, but kept missing the mark. I was close, but not quite in my holy place, yet day after day God blessed me with a new revelation.

I was miserable and couldn't even be mad about it. I inserted myself in this volatile space, but God used it for my betterment. The lessons were hard, but clear and that awful time helped to ensure goodness a year later. I can honestly say that I am better than I was and happier too. And, it is my prayer that we are in a more prosperous place this time next year!

*Posts you may enjoy:

Holy Time
I'm Blessed
Reach For Him

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Lol! We've all typed or texted it at some point by now and that's great if the sentiment behind it is true. Laughing out loud can be like a big dose of medicine assisting in healing. It's as essential to life as breathing.

One of life's best pick-me-ups is a healthy shot of laughter. Many things are funny, but they don't all make you laugh. Some things give you seconds of joy or push forward a smile, but that's not the same.

When you notice something that actually makes you crack up take note of it. It doesn't matter if it's a person or a show. Incorporate whatever it is into your life because you deserve the immediate burst of euphoria that follows.

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A Positive Way Of Life 
Social Network Crushes
The Museum At FIT

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All Saints Day

Alice Benton's Blog wishes you a very happy All Saints Day! This is a special day in which Catholics celebrate all saints both known and unknown. offers quick facts, as well as an introduction and history to this Holy Day of Obligation.

Enjoy and God bless!
