Alice Benton's Blog

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Safety

Halloween is quickly approaching and we must always consider safety. So I have put together a few dos and don'ts to enforce. Hopefully, this will make life a little more simple for you.


  1. Do take your child(ren) trick or treating - It's one of the few times they get to dress up and play outwardly.
  2. Do trick or treat in a group - There is safety in numbers.
  3. Do pick out age appropriate costumes - Your teen doesn't have to walk around looking like a baby, but they shouldn't look on display due to lack of clothing either.
  4. Do hand out candy - Let's face it, we need more people with good intentions participating. 
  5. Do dress up yourself - Adults deserve happiness too.
  6. Do check all candy collected before children eat anything - Throw away all open candy, as well as anything that gives you cause to pause with or without a reason.
  7. Do ration the left over candy - Consider filling a candy jar with an acceptable amount for the day. Then refill accordingly.


  1. Don't pick out costumes that you'll be cold wearing - This is especially important for young children. 
  2. Don't buy costumes that obstruct vision  - We want to avoid accidents from happening. Also, if you'll be in a highly populated area with a young child skip your own headdress. It should be obvious who mom and dad are, and I don't mean the matching costumes that someone else might have bought too.
  3. Don't trick or treat at a stranger house - Take your child(ren) to malls or other trusted sources.
  4. Don't dress inappropriately - Be a role model.
  5. Don't feel guilty about throwing out some suspicious looking candy - You have to because it is for the safety of you and your child(ren).
  6. Don't allow your child(ren) eat all of their candy in one or two sittings - Protect their health always.

Please read Halloween Health and Safety Tips provided by the CDC. Also, Halloween Is Here also provides safety tips as well. No matter what, have fun and be safe! 

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