Alice Benton's Blog

Thursday, May 5, 2011

That's Life

Continually, situations arise.  That's life!  There isn't necessarily anything you can do about that.  Besides, it's not what happens that is important.  It's how you react to those untimely circumstances designed to through you off your game.

Consider yourself one of the lucky ones if you get back up every time you fall.  I'll go further, don't consider yourself unlucky if it takes you time.  Proper behavior can be a learned response.  Knowledge isn't acquired in the same way nor at a similar pace for everyone.  Go easy on yourself, after all, you're only human.

Do not allow yourself to be distracted away from the things that matter.  Make it a practice to notice how you respond when things go wrong.  Recognize being aware is good because you cannot fix things when you're not aware they are broken.

*Posts you may enjoy are Distractions, I'm Blessed and What's On Your Agenda?



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